The Brain Language Podcast

Ep #60 What is the Score?

Susan Stageman & Alex Tollen Episode 60

The Score is an approach to solving problems and getting outcomes developed by Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein in 1987 to describe the process they were intuitively using to define problems and design interventions.  They realized through teaching a series of seminars that they were systemically organizing the way they approach a problem differently than the advanced NLP students.

The SCORE stands for symptom, causes, outcomes, resources, and effect.  These are the minimum amount of information needed to be addressed by any process of change or healing.

 Basic S.C.O.R.E. Questions:

1.    What is the ‘symptom’ of this problem?

2.    What is the ‘cause’ of the symptom of this problem?

3.    What is the desired ‘outcome’ or goal?

4.    What would be the longer-term ‘effect’ of reaching that goal?

5.    What ‘resource’ would help address the cause?

6.    What ‘resource would help achieve the outcome?


The Score can be used in changework and coaching.


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