The Brain Language Podcast

Ep #61 Rapport Isn't Just About What You Do -- Visual Rapport

Susan Stageman & Alex Tollen Episode 61

Julie Thurburn, as guest host, and Susan Stageman discuss visual rapport -- What are you wearing for the conversation you want to have? Julie is a Certified Image Consultant.  In a slightly different format, they talk about rapport from a different angle: how our appearance can make or break rapport from the outside to the internal feelings we have.

After Julie discusses why she got into Image Consulting and  the greatest challenges she solves for her clients, they discuss 

1.  Personal Style is about you – what works best for you. That’s colors, designs, garment details, etc. Being Trendy is about what others want you to wear. They choose the colors for you to buy that season, etc. 

2. Trendy is a very expensive wardrobe because you’re stuck in a cycle of pleasing people you don’t even know – and who don’t know you.  It’s not a personal look, it’s just buying clothes which must be replaced often (expensive) or prevent you from representing your best self (limiting your opportunities).

3. Why is it so hard to know what to wear for every occasion? Having rapport with yourself is key to having rapport with others when you are doubtful and having internal negative conversations you are out of rapport with yourself and difficult to get into rapport with others.

4. In part, because we often dress to please others and hope that the outfit is conveying the right message, with the ‘right message’ being the one you ‘hope’ others pick up on.  When you know what works for your shape and the impact colors have on the brain, you can more confidently choose the outfit that accurately conveys the message you want others to respond to.

5. Having a sense of style helps create rapport with others. Knowing the styles/colors that work best for you helps you represent yourself at a higher level than when you just buy something off a mannequin because someone else chooses for the mannequin but not necessarily for you. So when you know how to choose well for yourself you dress more authentically than when you dress like a mannequin. It can establish visual boundaries and lets others know what kind of conversations you want to have. 

5. The internal benefit of easily creating rapport with others is greater confidence in yourself because the results you want are easier to attain.


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