The Brain Language Podcast

EP #63 Tips and Tricks To Make Changes Using NLP

Susan Stageman & Morgan Jobe Episode 63

Kinesthetic anchoring, reframing, and conflict resolution are some of the NLP processes people can use for mental and emotional changes. There are many more but these are processes that people can learn how to use themselves and are simple change techniques. 

 It is most important to develop a wellformed outcome before using any process to resolve an issue.   An outcome is necessary for any change. The brain is directional. Tell the brain where you are going and what you want. It minimizes confusion.

The previously mentioned processes do different things and produce different types of change: 

a.     Anchoring – feeling changes – how do you want to feel

b.     Reframing – working with a part to change a behavior

c.     Conflict resolution – visual squash – used to reduce or eliminate a conflict at any logical level

Another important consideration is at what logical level the change needs to take place. There are natural hierarchies of classification of change according to Gregory Bateson. There is often confusion about the logical levels when considering a change. Rules that apply at one level don't necessarily apply to another. Changing something on a lower level could affect a higher level but changing something on a higher level will often change the lower levels to support the higher level change.

Here are some examples of how the logical levels get confused when changing something. 

 Anchoring – feeling change – when someone feels upset about something and they want to feel curious, resourceful, etc. a collapsed reality will give them choices in how to feel. BUT say a person doesn’t like something someone is doing. Carefully choosing the resource is important. If they feel bad and they want to feel good. They may be feeling good about something where that feeling is inappropriate or even less resourceful than the original feeling.  Ice cream versus broccoli is an example of this.  Negative anchoring – attaching a bad feeling to something . Sometimes this works and sometimes it backfires. 

Reframing – for behaviors – reframe the part that is doing the behavior you want to change.

Conflict resolution – make sure that both sides are on the same logical level: environment, behavior, capability, belief, identity, and spirit.




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